ACDSee Pro 2 v2.0.238 core
بدون شك الجميع يعرف هذا البرنامج الرائع فى تحرير الصور واستعراضها بمزايه رهيبه لذلك هذا البرنامج يعد من أفضل البرامج فى مجاله لسرعته وسهولة استخدامه ولتعامله مع جميع صيغ الملفات المرئيه مثلا : JPEG, BMP, GIF, PSD, PNG, TIFF, TGA, RAW NEF, CRW, ويدعم حوالى 100 صيغه ومنها الصيع التى ذكرتها ..ويمكنك مع هذا البرنامج ان تحرر صور وتحفظ حقوق النشر من اى نقل او اى تعدى على حقوق الملكيه لصورك ويمكن الشرح به على الصور وأفادة اخوانك بمنتدانا منتدى الأبداع والتميز ...والبرنامج به مجموعه من الفلاتر الرائع التى تبهرك بالتعامل معها لتحسين جودة الصوره او وضع تأثيرات جماليه عليها ويمكنك عمل ألبوم خاص بك ووضع مجموعه من الصور واستعرضها فى اى وقت لأحق هذا البرنامج يعد افضل البرامج فى مجاله فعلا ويستحق التجربه وسعر البرنامج US$129.99 وفى باقة افلام محشش يمكنك الحصول عليه كامل ومجانىACDSee’s Browser lets you copy photos from your camera to your computer, categorize and rate your files, and manage photo collections of any size - from a few hundred to a few hundred thousand. Choose to view thumbnail previews of any size, or use a detailed list of file properties to sort your files. Can’t find a particular photo? No problem - ACDSee includes a variety of powerful searching tools and a Compare Images feature to eliminate duplicates. ACDSee’s full-featured image viewer and media player quickly generates high-quality displays of your images and media files.
You can run slide shows, play embedded audio, and display multiple-page images in any of the more than 50 image and multimedia file formats.
Also, ACDSee includes a wide variety of image editing tools you
an use to create, edit, and touch-up your digital images. Use
tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and photo
repair to enhance or correct your images. Image management tools,
such as exposure adjustment, convert, resize, rename, and rotate,
can be performed on multiple files at the same time.
The user interface is completely customizable, and provides quick
access to tools and features. You can customize the screen layout,
the order of images, toolbar display, and many other options to
suit your preferences. ACDSee contains extensive context-sensitive
Help to assist you as you move through the application.
ACDSee is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use image management
system that everyone from beginners to professionals can use and
Main Features:
Import Effortlessly
Stay ahead of the volume from day one with powerful tools that automatically import, rename and categorize your new photos whenever your cameras and storage devices are connected.
Catalog your photos effectively
Manage your digital assets with powerful and flexible cataloguing options. Organize and find your photos by Windows® file folder, IPTC/EXIF/XMP metadata, custom virtual categories, keywords, ratings and more.
NEW! Read, write and create sidecar files for your RAW files that keep your images and data connected across systems and software.
Develop and perfect your images
Perfect your images with state of the art RAW processing and advanced pixel-level editing. Take total control of every aspect - from white balance to sharpness.
NEW! Experience the superior image quality and detail of ACDSee Pro 2’s RAW process. And, with background processing, continue your workflow while ACDSee Pro completes your non-destructive adjustments.
Present your photos in the best light
Share selected shots effortlessly through e-mail, web galleries, slide shows and prints.
Use ACDSee Pro 2’s e-mail tool to optimize your images for delivery. Easily create contact sheets and high-quality prints with optimized print templates.
Create stunning slide shows with transition effects and multiple audio tracks. Add watermarks to your photographs to reflect your copyright.
Protect and archive your work
Easily archive your collection to .zip folders, CD or DVD, and synchronize with your external harddrives. You can even synchronize multiple folders and schedule when the synchronizations occur.
NEW! Protect and preserve your metadata by embedding it in industry-standard portable digital negative format (DNGs).
Systems Requirements:
Intel Pentium® III / AMD Athlon processor or equivalent (Intel Pentium® 4 / AMD Athlon XP or equivalent recommended)
512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM recommended)
100 MB free hard drive space (1 GB recommended)
High Color display adapter at 1024 x 768 resolution (1280 x 1024 recommended)
CD/DVD Burner - for creating CDs and DVDs
Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, and Windows Vista™
Microsoft® Internet Explorer™ 5.0.0 (6.0.0 recommended)
TiVo® Desktop Software - to publish images to your TiVo
Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 - for Microsoft DirectX file format support, and to create slide shows and screen savers
QuickTime™ 6.0 - for QuickTime file format support
Ghostscript® 8.0 - for PDF support
Windows Media™ Player 9.0 or later
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